Partnering with you to solve problems and develop possibilities

Leadership Coaching

  • Are there conflicts or performance-related issues that you need to address more effectively?
  • Would a better understanding of your leadership style allow you to capitalize on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses?
  • Do you want more direct feedback about your performance or skills as a leader?
  • Do you keep the challenges of running your college or department to yourself?
  • Is the manner in which you carry yourself consistent with your position and how you want to be viewed?

It can be lonely at the top. Many leaders do not have the professional development, encouragement, self-reflection, and support they need to be at their best. Coaching is an investment in yourself and your organization.

The CLOC-client coaching relationship is usually short-term and has specific client-set goals. Clients can ask the coach to hold them accountable for practicing new behaviors or engaging in reflection between sessions.

CLOC consultants build a trusting relationship where leaders can:

  • Enhance specific skills such as giving feedback, conducting effective meetings, making public presentations, or being organized
  • Discuss and practice managing difficult interactions
  • Develop strategies for "managing up"
  • Strategize about how to garner institutional support
  • Develop career path plans
  • Address home/work life balance issues
  • Address concerns about diversity issues