Partnering with you to solve problems and develop possibilities

Recommended Reading

Change Management

Toward a Constructivist Framework for Guiding Change and Innovation in Higher Education

George R. Luddeke

Many universities review their educational priorities and strategies. There appear to be few, however, useful models to guide the actual decision-making processes. The author argues that the Adaptive-Generative Development framework, based on constructivist learning principles and knowledge of organizational dynamics, can be helpful in managing the introduction of academic change.

Articles Specifically About Faculty

Defending Collegiality

Michael Fischer

The author discusses the debate around codes of condcut for faculty. The reluctance to adopt a code stems in part from a belief also expressed in corporate workplaces: that geniuses must be jerks and that some belligerence, indifference to others, and rudeness are inseparable from achievements.

Alice's Adventures in Tenureland

Elia Powers

Cathy Trower shares concerns about aspects of the faculty reward structure in higher education and explains what academics can learn from Lewis Carroll's classic tale "Alice in Wonderland.

Articles Specific to Chairs

Conflict: A Most Difficult Task

Teresa Holder

This article includes some excellent advice on conflict resolution for new and current department chairs.

Mediating in the Academic Bully Culture: The Chair's Responsibility to Faculty and Graduate Students

Barbara De Luca

The piece offers some excellent advice on managing difficult professors.

Suggestions for Making Chair Work More Satisfying and Attractive

Douglas N. Lees

Managing an academic department often leaves little time for the research that brought individuals to a field. This article offers some good ideas for finding balance.

Learning to Lead

Anne V. Massaro

A look at some of the important things to pay attention to in the first three to six months as a new department chair.

Hitting the Ground Running: Making Strategic Changes

John Paxton

A look at what new department chairs need to pay attention to for a fast start.

Managing the Chair's Paradoxical Role

Frank Fletcher

Some helpful thoughts on the often-complex role of a department chair.

Coping with the Passive-Aggressive Faculty Member

Jeffery L. Buller

The long piece looks at how a department chairs can deal more effectively with passive-aggressive faculty behavior.

Conflict Management and Problem Solving as Chair

Carmen L. Taylor

Some helpful advice is offered to department chairs for handling conflict management and problem solving.

From Special Occasion to Regular Work

Paul Hutchings

A scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching argues that professional development should not be a separate or special occasion, but an integral feature of the way educators do their work everyday.

Realities of Dual Careers

Scott Jaschik

The results of an important study on dual-career academic hiring are examined.

Dr. Mom

Vanessa Mogg

This book explores the challenges of balancing motherhood and a career in science.

Articles Specific to Deans

Leadership When Meeting One on One

Jeffrey L. Buller

Some thoughts on how a dean should prepare for one-on-one meetings with other individuals.

General Conflict

When Should Intolerance Replace Tolerance?

Robert J. Nash

The limits on tolerance, in various forms, in academic discussion are examined.

General Leadership

Bullying More Harmful Than Sexual Harassment on the Job

Workplace bullying, such as belittling comments, persistent criticism of work and withholding resources, appears to inflict more harm on employees than sexual harassment, say researchers.


Truly Interdisciplinary Search

Scott Jaschik

This article looks at the interdisciplinary approach to hiring new faculty.

Book Reviews

Strategic Leadership: Integrating Strategy and Leadership in Colleges and Universities

Richard L. Morrill

Philip A. Glotzbach, president of Skidmore College reviews Morrill's book.

Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration: A Guide for Campus Leaders

Adrianna J. Kezar and Jaime Lester

Connie D. Foster, a certified facilitator with expertise in higher education, reviews this guide.

Ten Ways to Grow a Backbone

Gina Hiatt

An academic take on the book, "How to Grow a Backbone: Ten Strategies for Gaining Power and Influence at Work" by Susan Marshall

Tools for New and Seasoned Leaders in Academia

Management for Beginners - So You're a Principal Investigator - Now What?

Elie Dolgin

A primer with some of the dos and don'ts of being a successful principal investigator.

7 Steps to Change

Gina Hiatt

A look at how toxic academic environments can lead to loss in writing productivity - and some things to do about it.

Why Performance Management Should Matter in Academia

Sean Conrad

A look at some industry management practices that can have applications in academia as